The Trades are looking for women!

- By Dr. Di

Why are more companies looking for women for blue collar jobs like truck drivers, electricians, constructions workers, mechanics, and more?   Because they need them! Sarah Chaney and Eric Morath report in the Wall Street Journal that, with the current tight job market, the pool of men willing to work in the trades isn’t big enough to cover the demand. Plus, more people are going to college, which forces companies to recruit outside their traditional prospect groups.

Why would a woman want to work in the trades?  For one thing she’d make a lot more money.  A construction worker made an average of $22.12 per hour last year, while a personal care aide only made $11.55.  Wow, that’s a big difference! Neither requires a degree.  In fact, the care aide probably requires a certificate while construction may involve on-the-job training; in other words–get paid while you train!  There are lots of women who are perfectly capable of doing most construction tasks.

Numbers of women in trade jobs include these gains:  female truck drivers and delivery people have increased by 43% since 2000, women hold 40% more police officer and security jobs, and the numbers of women in construction jobs have increased by 23%.  Some industries even report that women tend to stay in high-turnover jobs longer than men.  So, are the trades something you should consider?

Take a look at some of the careers in the Trades.

