Is college debt worth it?

- By Dr. Di

As predicted by researchers 40 years ago full-time employees in companies slowly but surely are being replaced by freelancers—people who are contract employees working full- or part-time, often for numerous employers at the same time.  And here’s an important finding of the survey “Freelancing in America 2018”:  Most freelancers report that they have gotten work, not because they have the right college degrees, but because they have the right skills.  Some don’t even have degrees.  But all have specialized training that they may have received in high school or specialized trade school.

Given this finding, and the fact reported by the World Economic Forum that 65% of first graders today will eventually hold jobs that don’t exist now, it’s time for you to think long and hard about what educational opportunity is best for you.  Even tech companies are looking for skills over degrees, a big skill being the ability to problem-solve, adapt, and learn new things at a moment’s notice. Plus, you will need to be a true lifelong learner.

If you want to be a teacher, rocket scientist, or nurse, you’ll need a college degree for sure.  As you search, keep in mind that there’s a multitude of rewarding careers out there that won’t require the debt that many rack up while earning a four-year college degree.  Many careers may only require a two-year degree.  That’s something to think about.

Have you looked through the various career fields on this site?  Take a look (click here)

