Pharmacy & Pharmacy Technology
What Is Pharmacy & Pharmacy Technology?
Most pharmacists dispense prescription medicines and help people use these meds correctly according to doctor’s orders. They may also discuss possible side effects with patients as well as make recommendations about over-the-counter medicines available without prescriptions. Attention to detail is critical in this field since the wrong medication given to a patient can be disastrous. As a pharmacist you may work in a drug store, hospital, or large clinic.
Pharmacy technicians do many of the same things that a pharmacist does while being closely supervised by a Licensed Pharmacist. Pharmacy Techs tend to be hourly employees while Pharmacists are usually salaried. If you are good at detailed work, are people-oriented, and can communicate patiently with all kinds of people, then looking at this field would be in order. The course work is challenging, but working as a key member of the health delivery team can be really rewarding. Jobs are Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Researcher, and Executive Director of Pharmacy.