Funeral Services

What Is Funeral Services?

A funeral director (formerly called a mortician or an undertaker) manages the funeral home or crematorium and all the functions that are part of a funeral.  Many funeral directors own the funeral home and train and manage lower-level staff members who assist with making all the arrangements for the grieving family.  Most people in the field report a high level of reward in being able to gently assist people at a vulnerable time in their lives.

Many funeral directors take the major responsibility of preparing the body for burial or cremation, which is both an art and science especially for open-casket viewing of the deceased loved one.  Directors must follow strict scientific guidelines and laws while also being a sensitive, caring helping professional. Funeral Directors also have to know about and be sensitive to the different customs with various ethnic and religious groups so that proper protocols for each group are utilized. Job titles are Funeral Director, Funeral Services Assistant, Wake Attendant, Funeral Director/Embalmer, Pet Cremation Courier, Cremation Team Member, Pre-need Family Service Counselor, and Deputy Medical Examiner.

What Degrees Relate to Careers in Funeral Services?

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