Phlebotomy certificate

What is A Phlebotomy certificate Degree?

Phlebotomy involves drawing blood for testing or donation or giving shots to patients.  In some areas you may not need to be trained to do this kind of work, but many employers want to see training, certification, or licensure before hiring you.  So, it’s worth doing.  Choose a program that has the proper accreditation for your area, knowing that the program can take anywhere from about 6 weeks to a year to complete.

Courses you’ll take will include the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology and blood/cell composition, plus the techniques for vein puncture depending on the age and condition of the patient or donor.  Taking blood from an infant or child can be different from taking blood from an adult or senior citizen.  You’ll probably learn about lab safety, and you may learn CPR.  You’ll be prepared to work in a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital, and certification as a Phlebotomist will help in your job search in most places.

What Can I Do With A Phlebotomy certificate Degree?