Esthetician program

What is A Esthetician program Degree?

Estheticians are part of the field of Cosmetology and are the practitioners who specialize in skin—how to make skin healthier and more beautiful. The beautifying process begins with an analysis of the client’s skin followed by a facial with exfoliation, steaming, face massage, microdermabrasion, herbals treatments, or any one of a variety of other special treatments.  Some Estheticians work in spa settings giving body treatments such as wraps, hair removal, aromatherapy, and eyebrow shaping along with facial treatments.  Others work in dermatologists’ offices, performing treatments for specific skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and aging and are often called Medical Estheticians.  Training varies greatly from one geographical area to another, with the average training time being from 500-600 hours for a certificate.  Licensure requirements vary also; so, you’ll need to check in your area on what will be required.

It may be possible to earn an Associate’s in Applied Science degree in Esthetics if you’re being trained in a 2-year college and are willing to complete other requirements for the degree.  In the Esthetics program itself you’ll learn enough about skin so that you can recognize the kinds of skin problems that need to be referred to a doctor and about how to provide for proper sanitation.  Of course, you’ll learn all the techniques of the various treatments, and you’ll cover how to be in business as a private contractor of your services.

What Can I Do With A Esthetician program Degree?