Engineering Physics (BS)

What is A Engineering Physics (BS) Degree?

People in the engineering field use science and math to solve problems.  They figure out how to take what scientists have learned to come up with products and ideas that can be used in the real world.  They’re sort of like hands-on scientists themselves. People in physics try to understand everything in the universe—matter and energy—and how it works.  Physicists have found that, using mathematical models, that there are certain laws that can predict what going to happen to matter and energy in certain situations. They’re true scientists.

So, as you might have figured out, a BS degree in Engineering Physics—that’s studying both Engineering and Physics—teaches skills in both areas along with computer applications.  It’s possible that some BS degree programs will focus on one industry like aerospace to prepare graduates to work in a specialty field.  In many cases, with a little extra course work, you’ll be able to complete a minor in math or physics, if you want.  Some universities offer 5 year programs for promising students who can earn both the BS and the MS in Engineering Physics in that time period.  The BS degree prepares graduates to go right into the work force at a professional level, and many students complete the BS degree and continue on to PhD work.

The video below discusses a “typical” program, so it should help regardless of which school you are considering.

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