Dental Assisting (AS or certificate)

What is A Dental Assisting (AS or certificate) Degree?

Individuals who work in the dental health field are committed to educating and treating patients to maintain and improve their teeth and surrounding tissue.  An Associate’s degree or a certificate in Dental Assisting prepares you to work directly with and for the Dentist, preparing instruments for upcoming procedures, ushering patients into the examining room, sitting alongside the dentist to assist his/her with procedures, giving instructions post-procedure to patients, and making sure that patients’ records are up to date.  There may be other duties depending upon the specific job.

Currently, requirements for government licensure or certification vary greatly across geographical areas:  some require it, some don’t.  The levels of training needed varies widely, too, with some places requiring government-approved training sites and licenses, and others requiring nothing at all.  In some areas, on-the-job training given by the licensed Dentist may be all that is needed.

The videos below discuss “typical” programs, so they should help regardless of which school you are considering.

Faculty Advice

Student Advice

What Can I Do With A Dental Assisting (AS or certificate) Degree?